
What is the treatment for diabetic retinopathy?

Dr Arun Mishra
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK

Q: I am 31 years old. I am a juvenile diabetic, but recently have been diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy. The doctor has suggested laser treatment. Could you please let me know the cost of the surgery? I feel I should get it done fast, but the financial aspect is bothering me. Also, please let me know the period of rest needed after the surgery, and if there are any exercises that can help me.

A:Diabetic retinopathy is a serious condition, which should be taken very seriously. This development depends on age of diabetes and how well it is controlled over the years. The important thing is to control HbA1c, which is also called glycosylated haemoglobin in India. Laser treatment is the only satisfactory treatment that can be instituted and will need to be repeated several times to prevent vision deterioration. As far as the cost is concerned, you may find government institutions or places like Sankara Nethralaya in Chennai reasonably cheap. Private clinics will be expensive, but they may give more personal attention. If you declare that there is money problem, quite a few institutions may give you discount or free treatment as the machines and manpower are expensive to maintain. Only a day or so rest would be needed after Laser. You must get it done fast, but make sure you get a trusted and competent eye specialist, as so many may recommend this treatment just to make money rather than genuine need. General physical exercises will help you to control diabetes, but no eye exercises are needed.I also want you to understand that laser treatment is not curative; it only prevents further deterioration. You will still need to treat diabetes properly and aggressively.