
What is the treatment for breast tenderness and palpitations?

Dr OP Yadava
CEO & Chief Cardiac Surgeon,
National Heart Institute,
New Delhi

Q: I am suffering from pain and burning sensation in and around the breasts for the last 3 months. I went to a cardiologist, who said that its not related to the heart. He took an ECG and x-ray, which were fine and prescribed Relaxon and Paracetemol. I went to a gynaecologist who told me that it is due to breast tenderness and did not prescribe any medicine. She said it would go away with time. The pain and burning sensation starts in the early days of the monthly cycle and disappears in two days after the cycle. What tests do I have to undergo to rule out the exact cause of this problem? Does palpitation occur due to stress? I am a mother of three school going children. I am a housewife and closely follow them in their studies. Does restlessness causes palpitation? What is the best way to treat this?

A:As you have already written in your email that you have had a proper cardiological check and heart problem has been ruled out and therefore, it’s a very high chance that the discomfort in your chest is related to your breast and may be in fact a physiological phenomenon of tenderness and fullness of the breast with menstrual cycle. This is a normal phenomenon and you don’t need to undergo any further testing on this account. So try and relax. Regarding your second query, stress can certainly cause palpitation and the best way to treat is to lead a stress free life. Indian systems of transcendental meditation and gentle and rhythmic breathing exercises (Pranayaam) are extremely useful in this. A daily walk of 20-30 minutes is also very effective in releasing stress and stress related symptoms. I think you need to lead a carefree life, which you have written; you already are doing to a large extent and not worry much about your disease process. However, should you continue to have your symptoms, I would advise you to seek a second opinion.