
What is the success rate of a liver transplant?

Dr Prakash Khanduri
Consultant Gastro-Intestinal Surgeon, Liver Transplant Surgeon,
St. Stephens Hospital & Pushpawati Singhania Research Institute,
New Delhi

Q: What is the procedure to get a cadaver liver? My blood group is B+ve. What is the success rate after liver transplant? Till how long have I to be on medication after surgery and what will be the complications after transplant?

A:You should first get registered in a hospital doing liver transplantation. The hepatologist and transplant surgeon will evaluate you and decide whether you require a liver transplant or not. If you need a transplant they will list you for transplantation. As and when a suitable cadaver liver becomes available, you will get the transplant. However, the waiting period may be long as cadaver organs are not easily available. The success rate of cadaver transplant is about 90% and the long time survival is about 60 to 80%.You will have to be on life long medication with anti rejection drugs. The two main complications of organ transplantation are rejection and infection. Because anti-rejection drugs suppress the immune system, the patient is prone to infections. Fungal and viral infections may occur. Once infection occurs, the dose of anti-rejection drugs is reduced and antibiotics, antiviral or anti fungal drugs are administered depending on the nature of the infection. Infection may be a major problem post-operatively. Cadaver organs are difficult to obtain. Sadly, relatives of brain dead patients are unwilling to donate organs because of superstition and misplaced religious beliefs. The general public needs to be educated regarding organ donation. I do hope that if you require a liver transplant, an organ becomes available to you soon.