
What is the significance of CRP being positive?

Dr PSN Menon
Consultant & Head, Department of Pediatrics
Jaber Al-Ahmed Armed Forces Hospital, Kuwait

Q: My newborn is very irritable. The doctors have examined him. His blood examination has shown him as CRP (C-Reactive Protein) positive for, which he has been prescribed antibiotics, i.e. injection Magtam (Cefoperazone). For ensuring a healthy life for my child, I want to know the significance of being CRP positive and whether there is any thing to worry about? Presently, he is on Magtam (Cefoperazone) and the doctor has prescribed Linezolid 40 mg in addition to Cefectum on the basis of the blood culture report, which shows sensitivity to Linezolid. Please acquaint me whether I should give both the drugs to the child simultaneously and also whether there is any risk involved?

A:Your child has been diagnosed to have an infection, most probably in blood and commonly called Septicaemia by the treating doctor. CRP test is one of the indirect methods of diagnosing the infection. Its level increases during an acute infection in infancy. In very small infants it is often not possible to pinpoint the site of infection as the children cannot communicate about the exact nature of their problems. Doctors frequently have to resort to tests like these to detect infection in suspected cases. Usually a set of such tests including ESR and blood counts are done and the decision to start antibiotics is made after all the test reports are available. Often in such instances a combination of two antibiotics are used to treat the infection in the first instance. The choice of antibiotics are based on the common infection prevalent in the community or blood culture reports. There are usually no adverse effects to these drugs when used in recommended doses. There is no long term implication on positive CRP test. It is usually positive only during acute infections.