
What is the remedy for reflux disease?

Dr BS Anand
Houston, USA

Q: I got an endoscopy done as advised by an ENT doctor at Kolkata. The endoscopy report was as follows: 1. Oesophagus: Inflamed mucosa of lower 3rd. GE Jn is at 37 CMS; 2. Stomach: Fundus, body and antrum look normal; Duodenum: Normal upto 2nd part and the diagnosis: GERD with distal oesophagitis. Presently, I am taking Domstal (one tablet twice, before breakfast & before dinner), Zinetac (one tablet twice, after breakfast & before dinner), Trika 0.25 (half a tablet once after dinner) and Mucaine Gel (twice, after breakfast & dinner). Moreover, I have also been advised by my doctor not to take non-vegetarian like fish, chicken, mutton, egg, milk (I can take milk products), anything fried, any coloured foods like chocolates, cold drinks etc. I am following that in addition to what doctors have advised earlier. Still I feel the irritation in the throat. I would also like to add here that I feel uneasy in dusty and smoky environment. I also suffered from gas problem with high fever 2-3 times a few months back. Kindly help me out.

A:It appears you have reflux disease, which means that your stomach contents back up into your food pipe. I suggest the following steps:1. Raise the head end of your bed by 4-6 inches with wooden blocks or bricks.2. If you are overweight, you should try to lose weight.3. Avoid big meals, instead take 3-4 small meals a day.4. Do not go to bed for at least 2 hrs after meals5. Stop smoking; upto 2 drinks a day6. Eating non-vegetarian food is OK7. Stop Zinetec and start Omeprazole 20 mg in the morning on empty stomach. Continue Domstal. 8. You can stop the other medications.Good luck and best wishes.