
What is the remedy for persistent cough?

Dr Irwin Ziment
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

Q: I am a 39 years old woman who was hospitalised last week for throat infection and fever. Based on the blood test, the WBC was found to be 22,000/mcl, for which the doctor said that I must be on IV antibiotic and has not mentioned anything else. I have come out of the hospital, but I am still coughing and there is fever off and on. What could be the possible reason for this? Do I need to go for further tests?

A:A persistent cough after an upper respiratory tract infection is not uncommon. If the mucus persists and fever returns, a course of a different antibiotic may need to be given for a few days, if prescribed by a physician. In most cases a cough responds slowly with the use of one of the common cough or cold medicines and perhaps the use of an antihistamine. Other factors to evaluate would range from bronchiectasis, cancer, tuberculosis and disorders such as sinusitis may be considered.