
What is the recovery time for metacarpal fractures?

Dr J Maheshwari
Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science & Research,
Head, Department of Orthopaedics, Delhi Institute of Trauma and Orthopaedics,

Q: My father had fractured his 1st, 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones of the left foot. He got it plastered for one and a half months and now getting it removed. But the swelling is still there, though there is no pain. There is hardly any strength left in that foot. Especially while climbing stairs. What do you suggest for early recovery of the same?

A:If it is only three metacarpal fractured, it usually keeps on improving with time, may be up to 6 months. But often, so many metatarsal fractures together are associated with forefoot dislocation. Your doctor has to carefully look at the x-ray, and if necessary reconfirm on CT scan. I have seen some of these cases, who did not improve, and were finally diagnosed as forefoot subluxations. This is just a thought, you may like to share with your treating doctor.