
What is the reason for the periods with heavy flow?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: My friend has 3 daughters all through a caesarean. She had normal periods but they became heavy after the birth of her third daughter 4 years ago. Then suddenly her periods stopped. After that she again had her periods but the flow was very heavy. The doctor gave her Pause tablets to be taken thrice a day. Now her periods are not so heavy but they have not stopped yet. Is there any serious problem?

A:It appears that your friend is in her early 40s. The erratic periods may just be an indication of perimenopausal state. Her gynaecologist can address that concern.The other possibilities are thyroid hormone problems, or some endometrial problems. I would suggest a pelvic ultrasound to rule out any uterine/ovarian pathology and/or endometrial biopsy. If both those tests are normal, then medroxyprogestrone (a hormone) 10 days per month may solve her problem.