
What is the reason for the delay in my periods?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: I have gained 15 kgs after I got married. I have been a pretty healthy person with no health issues as such. This month I had to travel quite a distance which is a tedious journey which resulted in me falling ill with cold and cough. I did take some paracetamols and also 2 vitamin B capsules. Now the problem is that I was due for my menstrual cycle for this month, but other than some scanty discharge for a day, I have not had the usual flow for 5 days. This is very worrying. Can you please answer this query and guide me on what to do?

A:Your weight gain is considerable given the duration of your marriage. Please try to find out what you are doing differently from when you were not married.As for your delayed menstrual cycle, there are many possibilities mainly:1. Pregnancy (none of the contraceptives are 100 percent effective)2. Stress of travel3. Your rapid weight gain. The rapid weight gain can interfere with yournormal menstrual cycle.4. Some other physiological disturbance in your body.I would suggest a home pregnancy test, if negative, you will need an evaluation by a physician.