
What is the reason for swelling of scrotum after surgery?

Prof Suneet Sood
Consultant Surgeon,

Q: I got operated for a left inguinal hernia, left varicocoele and a minor hydrocoele. After the operation, my left testicle has swollen. My doctor, who operated, is saying that it will go in six weeks. Will you please tell me why does it happen and also how much time it will take to subside?

A:The scrotum can swell after a hernia or varicocoele operation. The swelling disappears in 3-4 weeks. This occurs because fluid generated at the operated site tracks down into the scrotum. After a few weeks it gets absorbed. The testis often appears larger after a hydrocoele operation. (I usually advise my patients that their testis may not become smaller immediately after surgery, but may actually be larger!) Before surgery the testis is large because of accumulated fluid. After surgery the testis is large because of the reaction of surgery, which swells the local tissues. Such a swelling will become less after about 6 weeks. However, your testicle may always appear slightly larger than the opposite testis. Such a result is quite common after hydrocoele surgery.