
What is the reason for recurrent early miscarriage?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I have two children from my first marriage and then I got divorced and married another person. Now I am unable to conceive easily and whenever I conceive, I have a very early miscarriage even after taking bed rest all the time. Please suggest how can I conceive soon and how to avoid miscarriage?

A:You need to under go certain investigations and also start treatment as advised by a specialist looking after such cases. You can start taking folic acid tablets once a day for three-six months before trying for the next pregnancy. Once you get pregnant, then besides rest, other treatments like progesterone pessaries are available, which have to be prescribed by the physician treating you. Avoiding intercourse and lifting heavy objects are other precautions to be taken.