
What is the reason for high eosinophil count?

Dr Shirish Kumar

Q: I used to work in a BPO, mostly at night shifts. I have eosinophilia in 4.5% as per the doctor's report. He says its due to an allergy. Is it completely curable? Can I take an inhaler, or will it affect my lungs? This happens only in the winter season. What is the remedy for the same, as I am frustrated with my breathing trouble? What should be my diet?

A:Eosinophils are a type of white blood cells (WBCs) produced in the bone marrow that contain proteins that contribute to the immunologic responses against infectious disease agents and to tissue damage in allergic and autoimmune diseases. Normally, the absolute eosinophil count in the blood is around 500 per microlitre but it can increase in: allergic conditions (asthma, allergic rhinitis, drug reactions), infectious diseases (especially worm infestation), some connective tissue diseases, malignancies etc. You have to be treated for the underlying disease causing the eosinophilia as it is a reflection of the disease. Please consult a physician / ENT / chest specialist who can examine you and then advise appropriately.