
What is the reason for frequent stomach problems?

Dr Anjan Dhar
Consultant Gastroenterologist,
Bishop Auckland Hospital,

Q: I am a 32 years old female. For the past two months, my digestive system is giving me problems. Its not loose motions but very frequently I get a stomachache and I feel a lot of gas in my stomach. I feel as if my whole stomach is burning. These symptoms get O.K temporarily if I take medicines like digene, pudinhara or zinetac. Is this normal or is anything seriously wrong?

A:Given your young age and the fact that your symptoms are intermittent, I do not think that there is anything seriously wrong with you. What you probably suffer from is called non-ulcer dyspepsia and possibly some degree of irritable bowel syndrome. My advice to you would be to watch your diet, and try and avoid food stuffs like spicy and fatty/oily food, too much of rich food, etc. Eat more healthily, with plenty of fruits and vegetables. If you continue to get symptoms of burning sensation in the upper abdomen, you will probably need to be seen by a gastroenterologist, and possibly also have an ultrasound of the abdomen to exclude gallstones, although the chances of them being the cause of your symptoms are less likely. For the abdominal bloating, try some peppermint oil capsules.