What is the reason for a bleb after trabeculectomy?
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK
Q: Three years ago I had a trabeculectomy OD. I am left with an ugly bleb and no vision. Although I am an RN, but I wasn't told that there was a possibility of blindness. In fact I was given a good post-operative report and asked to give it time to heal. I was treated for 3 months and discharged even though I protested constantly that I could not see well. My right eye sees only light and distorted figures. Is there any possibility of my vision getting better? What should I do?
A:It is common to have a bleb after trabeculectomy and that is sign that fluid from the eye is draining i.e. serving its intended purpose but you may have lost vision because of cataract worsening which again is common after such a procedure. If you do not have cataract then optic atrophy secondary to glaucoma or macular oedema is likely cause of your visual loss. Your vision may improve after successful cataract surgery if you have that otherwise you need to find out whether you have macular oedema. Advanced stage of glaucoma does have this consequence, that is why it is essential to have early detection and treatment of glaucoma. Make sure all your immediate blood relatives have been screened for glaucoma. In this disease it is possible to prevent further loss of vision but you cant recover vision loss once you have lost it.