
What is the postoperative care for pilonidal sinus surgery?

Prof Suneet Sood
Consultant Surgeon,

Q: What is the postoperative care for pilonidal sinus surgery?

A:After surgery for pilonidal sinus:

  • Keep the area clean. In most cases the doctor does not close the wound. The open wound requires daily dressings.
  • After healing, try to avoid continuous pressure on the operated site for three months. The scar is initially weak
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  • Take precautions against the problem that caused the sinus. After complete healing (about 2-3 months after surgery) start to ensure that the area is free of hair. This is not very easy, but it may be best to use hair removing cream. Rashes are common with hair removing cream, and you should test a small amount of it on the arm before applying it to the operated site
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  • If the doctor has sutured the wound, the wound will heal in about two weeks. If the doctor has left the wound open, the wound will heal fully in about four weeks. The scar will become strong in about three months
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