What is the MCU test done for?
Director of Paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery,
Max Institute of Paediatrics,
Max Healthcare Institute, New Delhi
Q: My 22-month-old son has a urinary tract problem by birth. The doctors made another way for the urine, on the second day of his birth. We consulted a nephrologist, who advised to take the MCU test. What is the MCU test?
A:It appears that your baby has a vesicostomy, which is an opening of the urinary bladder on the skin surface. This operation is usually done for an obstruction to the flow of urine. However, this needs to be confirmed by an x-ray test called a micturating cystourethrogram or MCU. In this a fine tube is passed into the urinary bladder and a medicine is used to fill the bladder. Then, as the baby passes urine, x-rays are taken. The injected medicine is seen on the x-ray outlining the urinary tract. It is a relatively simple test, although the baby may have momentary discomfort.