
What is the ideal diet for my child?

Dr Sangeeta Saxena
Assistant Commissioner (Child Health), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Govternment of India

Q: My baby girl is 11 months old. Can I stop breastfeeding her? I am a little concerned about my health. Since the last month, I am not able to produce much milk. But it is very hard to give her formula milk as she can have a maximum of only 60 g per day. What is the ideal diet for my daughter?

A:I am sure you must have given your baby girl semi-solids and now have progressed to solid foods. So, the trick is to feed her 3-5 small meals a day of semi-solid and solid foods and give her formula milk and breast milk in between. There may be a little adjustment problem initially, but it lasts for a maximum of only 2-3 days. Children are very smart and adaptable - once she has realised that this is what she will be fed no matter how hard and how long she hollers, she will settle down.Overall, remember she needs half the food per day that you consume - this is a rough but practical guide of how much to feed her. Second, remember she has to have more than three meals a day, as small divided meals are the key to feeding at this age.