What is the follow up after emergency surgery for imperforate anus?
Director of Paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery,
Max Institute of Paediatrics,
Max Healthcare Institute, New Delhi
Q: Sir, My son has imperforate anus and undewent colostomy at a private hospital in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. I am very worried. Please guide me.
A:The first thing to do is not to get worried. The appropriate emergencytreatment has been done. Managing a colostomy looks difficult but betweenyour doctor and you, things will work out. Nothing will need to be done forthe next 3-4 months. Then your doctor will do a special x-ray study todetermine the severity of the defect in terms of how high the rectum isending and if there is a connection with the urinary tract. After that,anytime from 4-9 months your doctor will plan a definitive operation tocreate the new anus. Once that is achieved and healed, which is usually 6-8weeks, the colostomy will be closed. It is also worthwhile to mention thatyour doctor will do tests in between to find out if there are other internaldefects like those in the heart or kidneys.