
What is the first aid for a snake bite?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: What is the latest first aid technique in case of a snake bite and which anti-snake venom is prescribed? I have heard of polyvalent anti-snake venom which can be stored at room temperature. What medicine should I keep at home and rush for medical help with my box of medicine in case of any bite?

A:First aid treatment of snake bite includes reassurance to patient (many patients have died due to shock even when the snake was not poisonous), tight ligation of the area above snake bite by a piece of cord or cloth, and local cleansing of the wound.Indications for anti-venom treatment include systemic envenoming, hypotension, vomiting, blood clotting abnormalities, increased white cell count; large local swelling beyond the wrist or ankle within 4 hours of bite.Adrenaline and hydrocortisone injections must be available along with anti- snake polyvalent injection.