
What is the diet for patients with diabetes and high blood pressure?

Dr U Kaul
Director of Cardiology,
Fortis Group of Hospitals,
Noida and New Delhi

Q: My father has been a patient of hypertension since a long time. He is 58 years of age, recently (since 2 years) he has been suffering from an increase in blood sugar level. The doctor has prescribed him the following medication for sugar: 1. Glucophage (500 mg) 2. Actos (Pioglitazone HCl 30 mg) 3. Dimicron (Gliclazide 30 mg) For hypertension he has been advised the following tablets: 1. Co-Diovan (160/12,5mg) 2. Natrilix (Indapamide 1.5 mg) 3. Cordarone (Amiodarone 200 mg) 4. Zocor (Simvastatin MSD 40 mg for cholesterol level rise). 5. Physiotens (Moxonidine 0.4 mg) 6. Baby Aspirin. His blood pressure level rises up from time to time in a single day due to tension and stress. Due to this his nose starts to bleed. Sometimes he complains of chest pain and fatigue. For breakfast he has been taking barley / oats porridge since 3 months, he takes very light snack at dinner time but nothing during lunch. Can you please advise a suitable meal for my father for his condition. Please recommend a home remedy to coup up with his raised blood pressure, whenever he suffers from it.

A:Your father is on very effective and proven medicines which significantly reduce adverse events. Regarding the diet basically it should be low in salt (4 to 5 gms per day), high in fibre, low in fat and calories, more of leafy vegetables and lentils etc. Fish and white meat is good. Alcohol in moderation and restricted amount of milk products especially with full cream.Regular exercise for 30 to 45 minutes/day. Brisk walk is a good exercise. Periodic evaluation of blood sugar and glycosylated haemoglobin under supervision. Glycosylated Hb should be less than 7 gms (it indicates the average sugar in the last 2 months). The target BP at rest should be close to 120/80 in any case not more than 140/85 mm hg.