
What is the cure for dermoid cysts during pregnancy?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am 28 weeks pregnant and 4 weeks back the sonologist found a dermoid cyst in my left ovary measuring 5.8 cm x 4.6 cm. I have also had preterm labour pain and so the doctor gave me Cyclogest 400 mg pessary twice a day, erythrocine 500 mg 12 hourly. But I still have pain in the left region and so also suffering from cough. There is no torsion and twist of cyst and doppler ultrasound findings suggest no flow within or in wall of the cyst. Please advise.

A:If the pain persists you may need to undergo surgery to get it removed- either by laparoscopy or open surgery. There would be an increased risk of premature pains and you will need to take injections of progesterone as well if surgery is planned. To this are also added drugs to relax the uterus like isoxuprine, terbuatlins / ritodrine at the time of surgery along with sedatives. All these are slowly reduced and stopped once the patient goes home.