
What is the cure for cyst in the throat?

Dr Anil Safaya
Senior Specialist & Head,
Department of Otolaryngology,
Ibri Regional Referral Hospital,
Sultanate of Oman

Q: My mother is 41 years old. She is having a cyst in her throat on right side, due to which she faces a lot of problem. She has consulted several doctors, but yet she is not completely fine. Can you please prescribe some medicines or home remedies that can cure her problem?

A:Any cyst needs a specific surgical protocol. It will not be cured with medication. Your mother first needs a CT neck to find out where exactly it is, how big it is and how to remove it. Secondly, it may need a biopsy called FNAC, if the cyst can be seen through the mouth An ENT surgeon can do it with the help of a pathologist. Please visit a hospital and consult an ENT department. There is nothing to worry.