What is the correct treatment for psoriasis?
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Q: I am a 36 years old male weighing 70 kg. I got some patches on my penis, which looked like a rash patch. I got it checked two years back. There was no infection. I underwent skin allergy test and after that doctor told me that I am suffering from psoriasis. I also get regular skin disorders like eczema or rashes in some other part of body. What is the correct treatment for psoriasis?
A:Psoriasis can occur over the genitals which comes and goes the same way as at any other site on the body. The aim of the treatment is to control the process to the point that it ceases to trouble the patient. One tries to achieve this by minimal medication. Therefore, if you are not uncomfortable and there are no side-effects, then there should be no need to change the medication.