
What is the correct hepatitis B vaccination schedule?

Dr Shirish Kumar

Q: This is regarding the hepatitis B vaccination schedule. I am 21 years old and have taken 2 doses in a gap of 3 years. When should I take my final dose? Is there a need to restart the series with my second dose as first of the series?

A:Hepatitis B vaccination schedule in adults comprises 3 doses. The first injection - at any given time. The second injection - at least one month after the first dose (1 to 2 months)and the third injection - six months after the first dose (4-6 months). If the vaccination series is interrupted after the first dose, the second dose should be administered as soon as possible. The second and third doses should be separated by an interval of at least 2 months. If only the third dose is delayed, it should be administered when convenient.