
What is the cause of white, dry patches on the neck?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: The skin on the middle portion of my neck is getting patches and a small portion has turned white. There is also slight itching in this area. I think it gets dry, because when I apply water to it, it looks normal. I am not aware when this problem started. Is this some kind of a problem and do I need to use an aftershave since I have to shave daily because of my assignment. There is a significant change in my diet since I came to the US as I take very light food and have lost 2 kgs of weight in 3 months. My diet is also not very healthy. The overall skin on my face seems to be dry. Can this be related to the above problem?

A:Tinea versicolor can produce white patches with powdery scaling. This may be the condition on your neck. If mild redness is also present then it can be a manifestation of seborrhoeic dermatitis. It is not necessary to use after shave lotion and you could use any mild antiseptic instead. If you are not keeping good health, then it is likely to show on the face. After all skin is part of the body and cannot remain unaffected.