What is the cause of swollen lymph nodes behind the ear?
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
Q: My daughter, who is now in China and just recovered from the onset of Shingles is suffering from persistent pain from swollen lymph nodes behind the right ear. What is the course of medicine? Some local doctors there in China say that this may be for life in some cases. Is it so? She is 37 years of age and having two children and is of about 65 kg weight and 5ft 6in in height. Will this affect hearing in any way? She is the wife of our Consul General in Shanghai representing our Government. Present problem started about three weeks back. No associated problems. No such past history. Not allergic to any medicine. None of the family members had any such problems. Thanks in anticipation. Soon after receiving the reply I shall reply my daughter.
A:It is not uncommon to have neuralgia after the attack of Herpes Zoster. The severity varies from case to case. In most cases, it decreases with the passage of time. Symptomatic treatment is given depending upon the clinical picture. If the persistently enlarged lymph nodes are in an area different from the draining area of the herpes zoster, then it is due to something else. Such a case has to be evaluated properly.