What is the cause of recurring hyperthyroidism?
Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: I have a recurring problem of hyperthyroidism. Each time the problem recurs, I take Neomercazole tablets and the problem subsides after about 6-8 months of medication. During the start of each relapse, I have gone through thyroid scan to check the possibility of RA iodine treatment. Unfortunately, none of the 3 scans taken show any up-take of iodine. The scans were taken in 1999, 2001 & 2003 in two different labs. Please suggest other treatment alternatives. I am now having the 6th onset and have not started the medicine yet.
A:You may be having Thyroiditis rather than hyperthyroidism. The symptoms of both are the same and thyroid hormones are also raised, but in thyroiditis scan uptake is low and in hyperthyroidism uptake is high. Neomerccazole is useful only if the uptake is high. I suggest when there is recurrence of symptoms get your T3, T4 and TSH done. If TSH is low, then go for Radio-iodine scan. Consult an endocrinologist, close to your place of residence, rather than a physcian. The confirmation of diagnosis is very important in your case, rather than just trying to control raised T3, T4 with neomercazole. I guess you have thyroiditis where noemercazole is not of use.