What is the cause of my husband's bed wetting problem?
Senior Consultant,
Department of Urology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: My husband is 26 years old. He is suffering from diabetes from the past 2 years. He wets the bed at night. The doctor has given Nocturin tablet (5 mg) which has to be taken at night, but still he wets the bed at night. His blood sugar is controlled and he takes semiglynase (30 minutes before food), and gluformin xl in the morning and at night. What may be the cause for bed wetting? How can it be controlled and stopped?
A:If this problem is for only 6 months he needs a check up. You must see a urologist and possibly a neurologist also. Basic purpose is that this problem may be due to some problem in the spine or in nerves like multiple sclerosis etc. Does he have day time urgency i.e. is it difficult for him to control urine and he has to rush to bathroom? If he has day time problems also, see a neurologist first. You can show my reply to him. Other possibilities are sleep apnoea - if he snores a lot and otherwise used to get few times for passing urine, this must be ruled out. He may require urodynamic studies for his bladder evaluation. I suggest that rather than trying to alleviate the symptom, find the cause and treat it. You may have to visit a hospital where all the superspecialties are available.