
What is the cause of ear infection in an infant?

Dr (Prof) D Balakrishnan
Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon,
Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital, Chennai

Q: My 6 months old son is suffering from middle ear infection wherein the fluid leaks from his left ear. He got it twice in a month. What are the causes? How to prevent it? He is breastfed. Is there any vaccine available to prevent it? Will it affect his hearing? Please advise.

A:The commonest cause of ear discharge in a six month old baby who is being breastfed is faulty feeding position. While feeding the child, please keep the baby in your lap with yourself sitting. This position will automatically render the babys head a little higher and prevent middle ear infection.Such ear discharge means that the middle ear infection has made a hole in the ear drum and is escaping through the canal. Generally, with proper cleaning and with antibiotics, this will heal hundred percent, with no hearing loss.