
What is the cause for white patch on the face?

Dr Sanjiv Kandhari
Consultant Dermatologist,
Batra Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I have developed a white patch on the right side of my face. Almost 8 years back it was of a very light shade but for the last two years the colour has turned white and it can now be easily seen by others. I went to doctors who tested the skin and said that it was a fungal infection but after applying so many creams it remains same. Can it be some deficiency because during last one year I have observed a few white spots on my body at two or three places?

A:The white spot should be tested for Vitiligo if it is milk white and Leprosy should be ruled out by checking if you can feel on the patch. Also look for fungus by doing a scraping for fungus and looking under KOH. I suggest that adermatologist should examine it.