What is the cause for white cloudy urine?
Q: I am 38 years old, suffering from a disease in the urinary tract for the last 8 years. I consulted a doctor but did not get any proper treatment. When I pass out my urine, some white pieces can be seen there in large numbers. I got this tested and phosphate cells and white blood cells (w.b.c) were found. It happens once in a week, not on a daily basis. I am totally confused and frustrated. Kindly advise.
A:White or cloudy urine is most commonly due to phosphaturia (phosphate in urine), which is a benign condition in which excess amorphous phosphate crystals form in urine. Phosphaturia is usually intermittent, occurring following a meal or after ingesting a large quantity of milk. White urine is sometimes due to pyuria (white blood cells) in association with an infection of the urinary tract or rarely due to chyluria (lymph fluid), resulting from a communication between the lymphatic system and the urinary tract. High urinary phosphorus occurs in primary hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, renal tubular acidosis, diuretic use and Fanconi’s syndrome. Simple urine tests and correlation with the clinical symptoms should be able to clarify the problem.