
What is the cause for repetitive unconscious falling?

Dr Irwin Ziment
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

Q: My mother aged 59 years is an asthmatic since 20 years. She is taking Forcort 100 mg inhaler (rotacap). My father expired a year back. He suffered from some personal problems which my mother didn't know of. We did not inform her considering her sensitive nature. The day my dad passed away she fell down unconscious three times. From that day onwards she has fallen down nearly 15 times. Whenever she thinks about dad or any moments she or we shared with dad she falls unconscious. Why is she having this problem? Whom should we consult - a neurologist or a psychiatric problem?

A:Repetitive falling attacks on hearing bad news are vasovagal. The cure is prevention: no bad news or sit down prior to hearing it. If the problem is not solved a cardiologist should do some tests.