
What is the cause for redness around the urethral meatus?

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity

Q: I am 38 years old. I have had some redness around the urethral meatus, especially on the left side, although it is circumferential. The redness has a diameter of about 3 millimetres on the left and 1 millimetre on the right. A small amount of the mucosal skin seems to be missing over the area of redness. It has increased in size over the last 2 years. It appears that the redness originally started from within the urethra and gradually increased outward over the last 2 years. I do have mild diet controlled hyperglycaemia. Is it possible that sugar in the urine may be responsible for my symptoms? I do not have any urethral discharge. Also, I do have some mild urethral irritation after ejaculating.

A:Redness around meatus for a long duration may be inflammatory or otherwise. Inflammatory lesions like balanitis or urethritis may bother especially in diabetics though these would invariably have urinary or inflammatory signs associated. You need to have your glycosylated haemoglobin (blood test) done to see the control of diabetes. The non-inflammatory lesion like Bowens disease or erythroplasia could be worrisome and may require biopsy for confirmation. You need to see a urologist or a dermatologist for opinion and needful.