
What is the cause for recurrent nasal congestion and cold?

Dr M S Kanwar
Senior Consultant, Chest Disease-Sleep Disorders, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Delhi

Q: I am 29 years old and was very proud of my good health till a year ago as I never had even fever. But for the last few months I feel I have a serious problem. I think it started 2 to 3 years back when I started snoring occasionally which I ignored thinking it was due to the weather in UK and my busy and tiring work shedule. I think it has stopped now but I still snore after a hectic day. Then almost a 1.5 years back I got congestion in chest and a running nose. The congestion and dry cough have gone but running nose and cold keep returning off and on, but that is quite common in this country. For the past 9 months I can feel there is something wrong in my chest or may be my heart (left side) as occasionally it gets numb and I feel as if it is freezing. But it disappears after a day or two. Even now I am very active and look after my health. Earlier I was a social smoker (may be a pack in a year) and used to have alcohol ocassionally at parties but I have stopped both. I eat normally and always feel healthy and active. Please suggest if there something I should take care of?

A:You certainly seem to have rhinitis, likely of allergic origin leading to recurrent nasal congestion and cold in the U.K. weather conditions. You should use Flixonase (Fluticasone) nasal spray - two snuffs in each nostril once daily to control your nasal symptoms. Use it for 3 months daily. Your symptom of chest numbness doesnt appear significant to me but if you mean to say that you have chest tightness or heavy breathing also, then asthma should be considered. For that you should be examined and atleast peak flow readings should be taken to confirm or rule out asthma.