
What is the cause for passing urine while coughing during pregnancy?

Dr Abha Majumdar
Head, Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction,
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My wife is 5 months pregnant. Her LMP was 12 June 2002. Since last week she is having severe cough and cold. Now the problem, is whenever she coughs she passes a drop or two of urine which is beyond her control. I wanted to ask you if this is a serious problem. What may be the cause of this? She has completed a course of antibiotics for cough and cold -Roxid together with Actifed (as prescribed by the gynaecologist). She is also taking vitamin and iron tablets. Can you please tell me if this can affect the baby in anyway and what is the cause of her passing urine while coughing? What should I do? Please suggest as I am very tense.

A:This sometimes happens due to pressure of the growing pregnancy and lax muscles of the urethra. This is more common in the second pregnancy. Don't worry now but your wife must get in touch with a good physiotherapist with the gynaecologist to recommend exercises soon after delivery to prevent this from happening life long.