What is the cause for pain in my chest?
Professor and Senior Consultant Gynecologist & Colposcopist
Mazumdar-Shaw Center for Cancer Research & Narayana Hrudayalaya Multispecialty Hospital, Bangalore
Q: I am 28 years old healthy housewife and have undergone three cesareans. For quite some time now my periods last 7 days and due to excessive bleeding I am losing weight, especially in the chest area. There is pain just above the breasts and also in the middle of the chest from day one of the cycle which automatically disappears after 10 days and then I start to gain weight. I have consulted a gynaecologist who says that it is due to calcium deficiency. I had pain in my chest bones but the calcium test is perfect. Kindly advise if any investigations are required?
A:Your breasts were probably examined by the gynaecologist, before she saideverything is OK. Regarding the excessive menses, you must have anultrasound done of the uterus and ovaries; further management will dependupon this report. You must get your blood counts done and take somehaematinics also. If the menses are causing pain, you can take TabletMeftal-Spas 1 tablet 3 times a day for the first 3-4 days when menses areheavy. This can also relieve you of pain at other sites. If this does notrelieve you of pain in chest, you must have an X-ray of the chest done; ifthis is normal you may require a CT Scan of the chest and consultation with aphysician as well. Rarely, endometriosis of the lung or anywhere in thechest can give rise to such symptoms.