
What is the cause for lethargy in a diabetic patient?

Dr Peter Watkins
Honorary Consultant Physician,
Kings College Hospital,
London, England

Q: I have been suffering from diabetes for at least last 15 years. My sugar level generally remains between fasting (125-149) & after meals (PP: 150-165). I am underweight according to my age & height. My BMI is <20. Feeling always tired reluctant to do any jobs & cannot concentrate on work which I am supposed to do. My eye sight also seems to be affected, vision being blurred. I am constantly monitoring my problems to my doctor & taking medicine even then I am not feeling well. Please advise me what to do now. How will I gain weight?

A:I am sorry that you do not feel well and that you constantly feel tired and lacking in energy. The figures you gave for your blood sugar values do not seem too bad, but you do not mention what treatment you are already taking, and how strict you are with your diet. I wonder if you have always been so thin or whether this has developed since you became a diabetic patient? If the latter, then you almost certainly need insulin treatment, but from the information you have given I really cannot be certain. I wonder if you are also thirsty and suffer from frequency of passing urine?Of course there are other reasons for feeling tired and lacking energy and I cannot really be certain what the cause is in your particular case. If there is trouble with your eyesight you really need to have your eyes checked by a doctor: it is quite impossible to comment on this without that detailed observation. I am sorry that I cannot be more specific in my advice to you but hope this helps just a little.