
What is the cause for itchy, cracked fingers?

Dr Bindu Dewan
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,

Q: I have been having itchy, cracked fingers (dry skin) for nearly 10 years now. During initial consultations with doctors, it was diagnosed as allergic reactions to detergents, chemicals, etc. But subsequent treatments for it did not help much. Now I observe that the dryness/itching starts before my periods and subsides within 15-20 days after my periods. Previously it was in one hand but now the other hand too has got involved. The skin dries up and when the fingers are flexed/moved it just cracks up resulting in cuts. I suffer from no other allergies/ailments. Please advise.

A:From the description, you may be suffering from a papulo-squamous disorder(psoriasis/lichen planus). Topical treatment with a steroid + salicylic acid ointment (Topisal) combined with moisturising cream and the use of rubber gloves while working with water may help.