
What is the cause for fat loss from the whole body?

Dr DDK Rolston

Q: I am 30 years old and suffering from severe fat loss from the whole body. I got my gall bladder removed due to gallstones 2 years ago. After 6-7 months of the same, I had sudden fat loss from my face and head, which then spread to the neck, stomach, arms, buttocks, thighs, legs, knees, arms etc. In fact my whole body is getting thin and lean. I easily get tired and feel a loss of energy after work. Before I started having fat loss, I had severe abdominal pain once a month and my digestive system was totally disturbed. I still feel slight irritation in the stomach along with a mild ache. My hair fall has also increased and I have acne too. My CT scan report is normal. I had also done anti endomysial antibody, which came positive at first, but after a week it was negative. My endoscopy shows normal but some patchy gastritis. What does this mean? The biopsy result will come in a few days. I have consulted many endocrinologists, physicians, gastroenterologists and Neurophysicians. But I still haven't got a solution. My condition is getting worse day by day. Is it an intestinal disease or another metabolic disease? Which tests might help me in the diagnosis of the same?

A:Loss of fat that begins from the face that spreads to the rest of the body is a difficult symptom to evaluate without knowing further details of your problems. I wonder whether you have a malabsorption syndrome. The question to you is whether you have had a stool fat estimation done to look for fat malabsorption. If present then the problem may be in the small bowel or in the pancreas. You should then additionally have pancreatic function tests done and a small bowel biopsy done. If these prove negative chronic infections such as TB and AIDS can also cause weight loss sometimes with no additional symptoms. If all these tests are negative you should see your physician on a monthly basis to determine that no new findings have arisen.