
What is the cause for chronic abdominal pain?

Prof Suneet Sood
Consultant Surgeon,

Q: I think I have a chronic stomach problem because when I eat anything, I get abdominal pain the next day. About 3-4 years ago my liver function tests showed raised bilirubin of >1.5 mg/dl (N: <1 mg/dl). I have gas problem, pain and constipation since childhood. My weight is 57 kgs. I pass stools 2-3 times a day. Does raised bilirubin cause this problem of indigestion?

A:Chronic abdominal pain is sometimes difficult to diagnose correctly. On thebasis of your query, the most likely diagnosis is a peptic ulcer. Howeversince you have had this condition for long, you probably have several testswith you, and one cannot give a good opinion without seeing the reports.The mild elevation in serum bilirubin is most likely without significance.Visit a Gastroenterologist.