
What is the cause for a child not gaining weight?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My daughter will be 5 years old in the month of July. Her weight is only 12.5 kg. What should I do? She eats but still not gaining any weight? I have been told that something is wrong with her and she needs special treatment. Her intake of milk is less. But have started giving her Calcium Sandoz. My daughter has worms in her body, I have been told to give her Zental every 4 months.

A:If your daughter is otherwise well, active, eating well then I think you should plot her growth on a Growth Chart and see her growth velocity. Also depending on parents stature we can find out her genetic growth potential and see if she is growing along her expected growth curve. For this you may see a Growth specialist or an endocrinologist.Regarding worms you may give Zentel and may be repeat another dose after 3 weeks, but there is no need for routine deworming every 4 months.