
What is the cause and treatment for severe dryness of palms?

Dr Kamlendar Singh
Senior Consultant, Dermatology and Venereology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I have extremely dry palms. The dryness is particularly more in winters. The skin on my palms cracks and bleeds, and becomes thick ultimately. The dryness is more on the right hand, which is subjected to more washing with water and soap. Touching an aluminum door handle, aluminium foil or my office briefcase with my right palm, generates a visible spark with noise and gives mild electric shock. Thinking that the dryness could be due to infection, I tried Clotrimazole + Betamethasone Propionate (Candid), Neomycin (Neosporin Betnovate), and Gentamycin (Quadriderm) ointments for several days. But that did not make any difference. I don't have any itching. Applying any animal fat containing cream, such as Livoderm, or plain ghee or butter reduces the cracking significantly. But I cannot keep my palms greased all the time. I am a non-smoker, social drinker, vegetarian, non-diabetic, non-hypertensive, healthy male aged 36 years. I do not have HIV, and am monogamous. What is the cure for my problem?

A:Apparantly you have keratoderma. This may occur alone or as a component of another disorder. In either situation, you should respond to keratolytic ointments. Some times, one has to get the ointment formulated depending upon the severity of condition and the individual response. You will have to continue using some such ointment till there is spontaneous resolutiion or till the primary disorder lasts.