
What is the cause and treatment for abdominal discomfort?

Dr Irwin Ziment
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA

Q: I have problems with my stomach. My motions are not OK. I have some sort of mild burning sensation and little pain is experienced in the abdomen. Even a small food in-take leads to a feeling of bulge in the stomach. I don't have loose motions. But I have to go to the toilet atleast two times and the motions are semi-solid. What should I do? Pease suggest some natural ways of overcoming the problem. What is the cause of the problems?

A:New onset abdominal discomfort or pain with mild diarrhoea is usually self-limiting. It can occur with mild infection or from toxic damage to the stomach or intestine and may occur when antibiotic use upsets the balance of normal bowel bacteria. The best treatment is a simple anti-diarrhoea medicine such as tincture of opium or codeine (these are natural, being derived from poppy). If the problem persists after a week or two, diet changes using more fiber, or psyllium, may be effective. If symptoms continue or worsen, medical evaluation will be necessary to exclude serious disease such as ileitis or colitis since these need specialist management by a physician.