What is the best treatment to cover white patches?
Dr Bindu Dewan
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
Q: I have two small white patches, one on the chin and the other beneath it. I have tried all kinds of treatment like ointment with sun ray, PUVA etc and have also undergone a skin grafting, but lesions were not fully covered. The graft remains white but the surrounding area has got skin colour. Somehow the lesion looks white. Now my parents are preparing for my marriage. Is tattooing the best alternative left for me? Can you suggest the procedure of tattooing and the cost involved? Is there is any other treatment to cover these patches?
A:You could try using topical-steroids in combination with topical psoralens & PUVA, Tacrolimus, intralesional steroids or use camouflage creams (Dermacolor) to cover the patches.