What is the best age to conceive?
Senior Consultant,
Department of Urology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi
Q: Q. We have been married for 1.5 years. I am 36 years old and my wife is 32 years. For the first six months, we used oral contraceptive pills and condoms and then did not use any contraception. Since she did not conceive, I went for semen testing, which was normal. The details are: Volume: 01.0 ml, Reaction: Alkaline, Colour: Greyish White, Viscosity: Viscous, Time of Liqufication: 38 mts, Ph: 7.4, Appearance: Opaque Fluid, Motility: 45% Spermatozoa are of actively motile 20% Spermatozoa are sluggishly motile, Rest are non motile, Total Count: 70.0 millions/ml, Frucose: 405 mg/ml, Morphology: Smear shows 80 – 90% normal Spermatozoa. Rests have isolated heads/pointed/pin heads and fragmented or bifid tails. Now I have to take my wife to the doctor. She says she wants some more time (say another 4 months) in order to mentally prepare herself to meet the doctor. If I was 28 and she 24, we could have waited. But she is 32 now and by the time she becomes pregnant, I am worried her pregnancy may become complex. I don't know how to convince my wife?
A:The best time for a women to conceive is by 30 years. This is important to have a healthy child. 32 years is still OK but after 35 years, the chances of conception start going down and the child is likely to develop some anomalies. You need to address to the fears she has in her mind. Your marriage should be stable and your relations with her should be reassuring for long term happiness. She must spell out her fears frankly. As for the treatment, you must get her checked up and start with IUI. The gynaecologist will explain IUI.