
What is renal parenchymal disease?

Dr Ashutosh Singh
Consultant Nephrologist,

Q: What does renal parenchymal disease with dilated left kidney mean? How will it affect the patient who is 81 years old?

A:Due to limited information including the lack of blood test results (namely serum creatinine), it is difficult to comment on the above findings probably noted in a radiological imaging study of the kidneys of the concerned patient. Renal parenchymal disease as interpreted during the study is a non-specific characterisation of chronic kidney disease, which has little relevance in the absence of other clinical data including serum creatinine value. The dilated left kidney would suggest the possibility of an obstruction (arising out of a stone or an abnormal growth) at the level of urinary tract outlet of left kidney, which needs to be looked into. However, it may not impact the overall kidney function if the right kidney is functioning well with no evidence of any obstruction at its outlet tract.