
What is kala motia and how is it treated?

Dr Arun Mishra
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK

Q: I am 39 years old and suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure. I had a severe headache problem for the past 4-5 years. I underwent a medical check up for headache. The doctor prescribed cylindrical and + power spectacles and advised regular check ups once a year. Last year I went for a routine eye check up and found minor changes in the number. I again went for a routine check up recently and the doctor told me that I am suffering from kala motia. He prescribed a test called VFA. He also observed too much pressure (24-25) in the eyes. What is kala motia? Is it curable? How does it affect the eye sight? What does too much pressure (24-25) imply? What is the VFA test done for?

A:Kala motia is a disease called Glaucoma, which is usually hereditary. This is treatable by eye drops or surgery but not curable. Eye-ball has certain pressure to keep it in shape like a football or a tyre. When this pressure is more than normal it affects nutrition of the eye and affects field of vision. This field of vision needs to be monitored to assess the extent of damage due to Kala motia and also to check the effectiveness of the treatment. VFA is visual field assessment. You must keep on with the recommended treatment and follow up by the eye specialist otherwise the disease can affect vision in the long run. Get your own blood relatives checked up as well, as early detection and treatment can prevent vision loss.