What is fixed ortho treatment?
Dr Vijay Mathur
Senior Research Officer,
Department of Dental Surgery,
New Delhi
Senior Research Officer,
Department of Dental Surgery,
New Delhi
Q: I want to know what is fixed ortho treatment and how braces help in pushing teeth inside? I am getting a fixed treatment done in which the doctor has taken out my 2 upper and 2 lower teeth, so in this case how will braces help?
A:You are getting fixed orthodontic treatment therefore your dentist should show you what kind of braces he will use for you. Otherwise you can search on website of european orthodontics and see the pictures. In this treatment some wires and springs are used to give a small amount of constant force to the teeth and move them to a predetemined place. In your case the braces should help but without seeing you it can not be said for sure.