
What is detoxification?

Ms Arunima Saha
Nutrition Counsellor,
Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals,

Q: What is detoxification? I have abused my body enough for the last 20 years; I am overweight, have skin & scalp problems, dental problems & now wish to cleanse myself internally(liver, kidneys, colon, blood, etc.) as well as externally (skin) to eliminate all the problems from their root. Please help by guiding me how to detoxify myself completely and how long will it take to achieve a purified me. Tell me what should I eat and apply externally & what should I avoid. Also tell me how should I maintain the optimum standards of my health after that.

A:One can attain detoxification in various ways. The bottom line is to avoid anything and everything that is artificial and resort to all that is close to nature. By this I mean that there should be no abuse to the body at any time with preservatives, complex biological matter which impairs the body system and its optimum functioning.In terms of food, because you are overweight, it is desirable not to look back at sweets, sugars, refined flour, refined flour products, confectioneries. You also have to avoid fried and spicy food and also avoid saturated fats like butter, ghee etc. to achieve complete internal cleansing.Begin your day with 2 glasses of lukewarm water with an addition of a few drops of lemon per glass. Drink the water, not gulp it. All through the day keep taking 1/2 a glass of water at least 24 times in a day. Also for 6 months from when you start, avoid fried foods, avoid oil more than 2-3 tsp in a day, avoid milk and milk products, avoid fish, chicken, egg, mutton, etc.In short, become a complete vegetarian. During this time you must ensure you do not consume any commercially prepared food. You must take food made at home. In this manner, you will achieve complete detox of all your internal organs. Thereby you can slowly resume a little more oil, and milk protein and in a month get back to non-vegetarian.In terms of your external organs, a visit to specialists in each field is advisable, you may initially attain a proper cure of the existing problems and then follow the care procedures taught to you by them. To maintain the same, motivation is needed and I think you have plenty of it now!