
What is Churg Strauss syndrome?

Dr (Prof) D Balakrishnan
Consultant Paediatric ENT Surgeon,
Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital, Chennai

Q: My sickness started off as a sinus infection, which was not treated. Coughing and eventually had to be put on breathing machine for a while. Coughing was so hard that I broke 2 ribs. I have lost 1 lung and part of the other is gone and a spot on the bottom of it. My heart too is 50% gone and there are knots or nodules are all over my body. I have severe headaches, vomiting, spitting up blood. I am so weak that I cannot even walk or get out of the bed by self. I have put on a lot of weight. Have been on all kinds of medicine and my hair have fallen too. I have been tested for TB, mole, bird droppings, nothing shows up. My work involves - cleaning out old houses and painting, invented/built a filter for home air conditions to cut down on cost of electric bills. They call it Churg Strauss. Have you ever heard of anything like this?

A:The correct name of the condition is Churg Straus syndrome. It had been originally described by two persons named Churg and Straus. It is a rare disease involving several organs of the body at the same time including all that you have mentioned. The cause is considered to be inflammation of blood vessels, supplying the various organs. For further clarifications, you will have to discuss in person with the doctor who is managing the patient.